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Twenty5 is designed to provide high-intensity, full-body workouts that challenge your body and your fitness in just 25 minutes.  Many of us need to be in and out as fast as possible and others just love the push of high-intensity training.  Either way, we got you covered!

While the program and workouts can be run straight up by themselves, we also have some additional guidelines if you would like to run the full Twenty5 Challenge. 


This 25-Day challenge has some pretty straight-forward rules.



25 Days

25 High-Intensity Workouts

25 Minutes Each



25% or Less of Your Bodyweight in Carbs

25% or Less of Your Carbs from Sugar




five-minute, guided meditations per day




25% of Your Day Available to Eat

(6-hour eating window / 18-hour fast)




If you weight 200lbs, you must consume less than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day.  Of those 50 grams, only 12.5 can come from sugar.  From a fasting standpoint (optional), if you wait until 11am to eat your first meal, you must finish by 5pm.


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25 Days of Purpose.
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